Alien Visit (Past Simple vs. Cont.) #644

(2 customer reviews)


3-part class to learn or practise the difference between the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

  • An easy sentence forming activity to help students understand the basic difference.
  • The main exercise. Students must explain what people were doing when the aliens arrived and what they did after.
  • A fun revision quiz on what they remember about the picture.

Watch the video (below) for a better idea.


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2 reviews for Alien Visit (Past Simple vs. Cont.) #644

  1. Rebecca Diaz

    The images are too big to fit on 1 page. It would be better on 2 pages – one for each image.
    The kids loved the quiz. Thank you!

  2. Jonathan

    Hi Rebecca. Thanks for your feedback.
    I’ve changed the edb to make it a bit simpler. There is now one image on each page so they’re easier to see.
    I’ve also updated the video.
    I’m glad you found it useful, and again – thanks for the constructive criticism. It’s very useful.

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